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Alivio de Mamá - GEL

Alivio de Mamá - GEL

Regular price $13.00 USD
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Muscle pain relief gel Roll-On 

Aprox. 3.5oz 

Inspiración detrás el ungüento:

-Cuando yo bailaba profesionalmente, siempre estaba con dolores musculares. Mi querida bisabuela siempre me tenía algún ungüento, alcoholado o mantecas para aliviarme esos dolores. Luego de fallecida, quería crear algo parecido a lo que ella me hacía para los dolores musculares. Así surgió los “Menjunjes de Mamá" en honor a ella. 

PD. la imagen que aparece en el label es inspirada en una foto que tengo de ella ❤️

Contiene de una mezcla de aceites esenciales y mentol cristal en un formato gel. A diferencia de otros ungüentos, este no tiene un olor fuerte al secarse y tiene un alivio refrescante un poco más fuerte si lo comparamos con el Ungüento de Mamá. 

Ideal para aliviar dolores musculares. Solo para uso externo/tópico. 

*De tener alguna reacción al utilizar este ungüento, descontinúe uso inmediatamente y lave el area con agua y jabón. 


The inspiration behind the ointment:

-When I danced professionally, I was always with muscle pain. My dear great-grandmother always had me some ointment, alcohol mixes, or body butter to relieve those pains. After she passed away, I wanted to create something similar to what she did for me for muscle pain. This is how the "Ointments of Mama" came about in honor of her.

P.S. the image that appears on her label is inspired by a photo I have of her ❤️

Contains a blend of essential oils and crystal menthol on a gel format. Unlike other ointments, this one doesn't have a strong odor when it dries down and has a greater cooling relief if we compare it with our “Ungüento de Mamá” ointment. 

Ideal for relieving muscle pain. For external/topical use only.

*If you have a skin reaction to this ointment, discontinue use immediately and wash the area with soap and water.


Care Instructions

Candle Care

- The first time you light your candle, let it burn until it creates
a uniform pool of melted wax in the top of the candle. This will help to not create a tunnel in your candle.

-Recommended no to burn for more than 4 hours continuously
Cut the candle wick every time your going to light the candle

-Turn off the candle with the lid or our candle snuffer. Don't
pour water in it or blow the candle off.

-Avoid lighting it near flammable items, place them in a safe
place, which is not in direct contact with wood or textiles
when it is lit.

-Avoid placing it within the reach of children to avoid

Tumbler Care

-Hand wash only.

Do not soakNot Dishwasher or Mircrowave Safe.

-Aviod extreme HeatHandmade Tumblers are sealed with FDA compliant food grade safe epoxy and it is coated and cured, dropping or mishandling can cause it to break.

-Tumblers are handmade so there will be times that minor imperfections are unavoidable.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Alivio a la Artritis Psoriásica

Tres días usándolo y me ofrece el alivio que necesito en el momento. Para los que vivimos con dolor es excelente opción